Just last weekend we were fortunate enough to be a part of Feast Portland’s Grand Tasting for the second year in a row, and oh boy did we have a spectacular time! It’s pretty hard not to be blissed out when you’re surrounded by some of Oregon’s best chefs, brewers, bakers, vintners, cheese makers, and food artisans. This year we danced our way through Feast (quite literally – we wouldn’t lie about this!) while handing out Honey Mama’s samples and super-delicious Magic Shell-Dipped Fresh Blackberry Coconut Pops to multitudes of smiling Feast attendees.
If you missed out on Feast, don’t you worry! While you may not be able to recreate our dance moves, you can most certainly recreate our pops. Just follow the directions below and you’ll have some chocolate-dipped blackberry deliciousness in no time.
Did You Know: Since its inception, Feast has raised over $300,000 to help end childhood hunger in Oregon and across the country. This year we feasted to support Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon.

Fresh Blackberry Coconut Ice Cream Pops with Magic Shell
Recipe by Ivy Entrekin
2 cups full-fat coconut milk
2 cups frozen blackberries, chopped
¼ cup raw honey
1 T. vanilla extract
Juice from ½ lemon
1 Honey Mama’s CocoNoNut bar, chopped
Magic Shell:
¼ cup virgin coconut oil, melted
¼ cup cocoa powder
1 T. honey
¼ tsp. vanilla extract
1. Add coconut milk, raw honey, vanilla extract, and lemon juice to a blender container. Blend on high speed for 30 seconds, or until fully mixed. Pour into a mixing bowl, then stir in blackberries and CocoNoNut pieces. Pour mixture into your favorite popsicle mold and place in the freezer until solid.
2. Once frozen, remove pops from mold and quickly whip up a batch of magic shell by whisking melted coconut oil with honey and vanilla, then slowly adding cocoa powder until smooth. Give each pop a quick dunk in the magic shell mixture, and wait a couple of seconds until the shell hardens. Eat and enjoy!
All popsicle molds hold different amounts of liquid, but we were able to make 30 small popsicles with this recipe (we used silicone ice cube trays and toothpicks). If you have leftover magic shell you can use it as a warm sauce on all kinds of things. It stores easily in the fridge, and heats up quickly at room temperature on a warm day or after a few seconds in a microwave. Pops that have been dipped in magic shell are best enjoyed immediately.