Ever since Honey Mama’s was a tiny baby business, we have occupied space at the PSU Saturday Farmers Market in Portland. As a matter of fact, Christy Goldsby, the owner of Honey Mama’s, created the original bars with the farmers market in mind. Having a huge affinity for this particular market, she set her sights on eventually having a booth there, and worked diligently to come up with a suitable product. Several years later she landed on a recipe that would eventually become the bar you love today. This is our fourth season setting up shop at the weekly market, and is still one of the best places to purchase our bars. The energy of this market is unparalleled.
We absolutely love sharing fun times at the market, chatting with visitors that come from near and far, and indulging in the good vibes that round out our summer Saturdays. If you live in Portland, or plan to visit this year, please stop by our booth. We are always located near the north end entrance of the market, very close to the Information tent, and across from the Simon Benson house.
Are you a yogi? Someone who loves summer, outdoor events, or practicing with fellow asana lovers in the heart of the city? If so, be sure to come out for Yoga Day Portland next Tuesday, June 21st, at Pioneer Courthouse Square. They have a full day of exciting events planned, including six yoga classes, workshops, a meditation tent, a craft station for the kiddos, a yoga fashion show, a dance party, and lots of healthy, nourishing food and drink. Honey Mama’s will be there from 9am-3pm sampling our bars, and we’ll also have plenty on hand for sale. Be sure to pack a cooler for your purchases, and join us for some fun in the sun!
If you haven’t tasted our newest flavor, Nibs & Coffee, you are missing out on a real delight. Get your booty on over to one of our upcoming demos and have yourself a mouthful of cocoa-nutty goodness!
Wednesday, June 15th:
Chuck’s–Mill Plain, Vancouver, WA 11am-2pm
Community Market, Sebastopol, CA 2pm-6pm
New Seasons Market–Concordia, Portland OR 3pm-6pm
Thursday, June 16th:
Community Food Market, Downtown Bellingham, WA 10:30am-1:30pm
Alameda Natural Grocery, Alameda, CA 2pm-6pm
Friday, June 17th:
Terra Organica, Bellingham, WA 11am-2pm
Shelton’s Market, Healdsburg, CA 2:30pm-6:30pm
Ken’s Market, Seattle, WA 3pm-6pm
Saturday, June 18th:
New Leaf Capitola, CA 12pm-3pm
Whole Foods Market–Bridgeport, Tigard, OR 3pm-6pm
Sunday, June 19th:
New Seasons Market Happy Valley, OR 11am-2pm
Whole Foods Lynnwood, WA 11am-2pm
New Leaf Westside, Santa Cruz, CA 12pm-3pm
Davis Food Co-op, Davis, CA 2pm-6pm
Market of Choice–Willakenzie, Eugene, OR 2pm-5pm